

Podcast Analysis for Media Planning

What Media Can Be Analyzed?

The ma Podcast analyzes a wide variety of podcast offerings that are available on platforms with log file support. This includes technical data such as downloads and streaming activity, which are filtered according to strict IAB guidelines. In total, over 170 different podcast offerings can be analyzed, provided by leading marketers such as iq digital, Seven.One Audio, ARD Media, and Ad Alliance.

Who Does Your Podcast Advertising Reach?

The ma Podcast offers comprehensive tools to help you fully understand the reach of your podcast campaigns. Through demographic analysis, user profiles can be identified based on age, gender, education, and income. These insights are derived from surveys of over 6,000 podcast users, helping you target your audience with precision.

Valid Downloads as a Measure of Success

An essential aspect of podcast analysis is the measurement of valid downloads, which serve as the primary indicator of a podcast’s actual reach. Preloads, bot activity, and other non-authentic access points are filtered out to reflect the genuine listenership. This ensures that your advertising reaches only those who are truly engaged.

What Insights Can You Gain from the Analysis?

In addition to valid downloads, the ma Podcast provides valuable insights into listening frequency, duration, the devices used, and whether listeners share their experience with others. You’ll also learn what activities listeners are engaged in while listening to podcasts and what motivates them to tune in. These insights help you identify the perfect moment and environment for your advertising message.

Definable Target Groups

Target groups can be defined according to the following characteristics:

  • Sociodemographic Data: Age, gender, education, income, region
  • User Behavior: Listening frequency, duration, devices used, preferred genres

Analysis Options

  • Valid Downloads: Monthly reports based on individual podcasts
  • Target Group-Specific Analyses: Breakdown of downloads by sociodemographic characteristics
  • Genre Analyses: Evaluations for specific podcast categories
  • User Behavior: Detailed information on listening frequency, duration, platforms, and devices used
  • Time of Day Analyses: Podcast usage throughout the day
  • Comparison Analyses: Various podcasts or genres can be compared
  • Platform Usage: Insights into the podcast platforms used
  • Premium Account Usage: Data on the use of premium accounts across different providers


Podcasts are becoming an increasingly important platform for advertisers. With the precise analyses provided by ma Podcast, you can not only better target your campaigns but also measure their success using real, valid metrics. Leverage these insights to optimize your media planning and reach your audience even more effectively.


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